Blog Post #2

As a student Word processors are used for almost every assignment I do for school. I have had to know how to manipulate it at finite levels to align my borders and fit certain paragraphs all on one page. My teacher's similarly have to use word processors frequently so they are fairly adept in word as well. In my recent years teachers have showed me how to insert a table or chart into word, this knowledge has helped me greatly with my course work.

As a teacher I would work within the fair- use laws as an educator to use copyrighted material legally for teaching purposes. I know in the past my teachers would show movies for learning purposes in class without needing permission because they weren't charging us anything or trying to profit off the showing. To ultimately avoid this I believe it would be helpful to have my students create their own creative projects that meet the goals of my curriculum as well. Sites such as quiz-let, flip-book, and YouTube allow students to do this.

The three possible challenges of implementation that stood out to me where(

  • Some teachers practice a "learned helplessness" - it's easier to ask questions than to try to figure things out for themselves. ·
  •  Inability to allow students to know more than the teacher. ·
  •  Some teachers think they must have the newest technologies in order to effectively do their jobs. They don't understand that older technologies are just as effective for many tasks.

I definitely have seen my own teachers practice a learned helplessness and just ask a student to come up and fix the projector etc. I could also see many teachers be insecure about how helpless they are with new technology and not letting their students learn more than them because they refuse to learn more about new technologies an thus can't teach their students about new technologies. And lastly the excuse that I could see myself making as a teacher is thinking that I can't teach properly because I don't have access to newer technology and not adapting to the situation.


  1. I really like that you brought up the inability to allow students to know more than the teacher. I have had a ton of instructors who could have benefitted from asking questions and learning from us but just gave up instead.

  2. really nice blog i think it would have been good for you to extend on how you would go about helping your students create their own project and maybe elaborate an example


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